Slide Journal of Current Oncology and Medical Sciences (JCOMS) Submit manuscript

Slide Journal of Current Oncology and Medical Sciences (JCOMS) Submit manuscript

Aims and scope

Journal of Current Oncology and Medical Sciences (JCOMS) (ISSN (online): 2783-3127) is an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles, review articles, case reports, and all types of articles in all branches of oncological sciences and also general medicine which is related to oncology, cancer research, and diseases with inflammation and inflammatory origination.

JCOMS is a part of Zabansaraye Parsian Novin Mehr Institute (Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance) and is sponsored completely by this institute. 

Aims and scope

Journal of Current Oncology and Medical Sciences (JCOMS) (ISSN (online): 2783-3127) is an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles, review articles, case reports, and all types of articles in all branches of oncological sciences and also general medicine which is related to oncology, cancer research, and diseases with inflammation and inflammatory origination.

JCOMS is a part of Zabansaraye Parsian Novin Mehr Institute (Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance) and is sponsored completely by this institute.

Editor-in-chief > Editorial board

Dr. Ali Akbar Samadani
